A program of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners

Clearya: Shop Nontoxic Cosmetics & Personal Care 

What is Clearya? 

Clearya is a free (love it) browser extension and mobile app that automatically scans the products you’re considering purchasing for harmful toxins, allergens, and more. It can be added to Google Chrome for desktop browsing or downloaded on the Apple app store or Google Play for mobile devices.  

Clearya is designed to help consumers make more informed decisions about the kinds of cosmetic and personal care products they’re purchasing.  

How Does it Work? 

We hate to break it to you, but it really is as simple and easy as it sounds. Clearya does all of the work for you, so you don’t have to go memorize the names of a bunch of chemicals that you can’t even pronounce. 

Use the Clearya mobile app or online browser extension to shop for products as you normally would. You can shop on major sites like Amazon, Sephora, Walmart and more. Once you’ve clicked on a product, Clearya is already hard at work cross checking the ingredients with their comprehensive list of chemicals that have been deemed potentially harmful by scientists and regulators from all over the world. 

Some of Clearya’s sources include:

  • US Food and Drug Administration
  • US Department of Health
  • UN Environment
  • The EU Commission
  • California Environmental Protection Agency

If Clearya has identified any harmful ingredients, it will notify you with the amount of concerning ingredients found and categorize them into either “Banned or Toxic,” “Potentially Toxic,” or “Potential Allergen,” based on their level of risk and the research surrounding them. Additionally, they’ll include a symbol next to the ingredient name classifying its type of risk. These include: 

Carcinogens: Ingredients that have been linked to causing cancer 

Developmental Toxins: Ingredients that may be detrimental to a baby’s development 

Reproductive Toxins: Ingredients that may affect fertility and can cause birth defects 

Hormone Disruptors: Ingredients that mimic or interfere with the body’s naturally occurring hormones. 

Banned: Ingredients that have been banned in various parts of the world. 

Origin Story 

Founders Amit Rosner and Chen Rosner Orbach created Clearya after family illness shook their world. Chen, Amit’s wife, was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo a year of chemo and radiation treatments. After recovery, it was recommended that they avoid products with known toxins and carcinogens, and that’s when it clicked. 

Amit began analyzing their personal care products and was quickly overwhelmed by the convoluted and shocking ingredient lists. He and Chen never wanted another family to go through the same struggle so they decided to create Clearya. This way, consumers could make informed decisions for free, without hours of research. 

What Do We think About Clearya? 

Not to be dramatic but we think Clearya is, in a word, revolutionary. Trying to avoid toxic cosmetics on your own is extremely difficult due to the lack of trustworthy information available  and misleading marketing. Simply looking for products that say buzzwords like “Natural” and “Clean” isn’t enough. Unfortunately, legal doesn’t always mean safe.  

Clearya is a free, EASY, and trustworthy way to shop informed. 

Looking for a Safer Alternative?​

Use Clearya’s app to find non-toxic products! Clearya alerts you to toxics and helps you find safe products.


Visit Clearya >

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Get the Top 20 Toxic Ingredients to Avoid PDF FREE!

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Get the Full Red List Spreadsheet!

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Get the Full Red List PDF!

Get the Asthmagens, Allergens, & Irritants PDF!

Get the Emerging & Harmful to the Environment PDF!

Get the Ortho-Phthalates PDF!

Get the Formaldehyde Releaseing Preservative PDF!

Get the PFAS PDF!

Get the Do Not Use Chemicals Linked to Health Outcomes of Greater Concern to Black Women PDF!

Get the Do Not Use Chemicals of Concern for Everyone PDF!

*You’re subscribing to BCPP’s Campaign for Safe Cosmetics email list. We won’t share your information and you may opt out at any time.
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Get the User Guide PDF!