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Moroccan Red Clay

Product Description

Red Clay from Georgia to Morocco is extremely high in iron and an effective skin detox. This clay has “super” clay drawing power. It deeply cleanses pores, adds nutrients, stimulates and tones the skin and draw out toxins and impurities that tend to age the skin. Clay facials are a refreshing way to pamper your skin. Moroccan Red Clay has been used for centuries to beautify & refresh when used as a facial mask. This clay is a strong cleansing clay that will draw excess oils from the skin, stimulate circulation to the skin, and act as a powerful astringent for oily skin and hair. Once applied to the skin red clay binds impurities and dirt into it’s paste until dried. It’s drawing abilities make it a great toner and cleanser for acne prone, oily, and problem skin. Moroccan Red Clay is a gentle clay, making it suitable for sensitive skin. It gently exfoliates and cleanses skin. Moroccan Red Clay is a mineral rich, reddish clay that blends extremely well with water making its application to the face and skin a smooth and delightful experience. High in silica, magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and sodium, this clay is surely one of the best for pampering your skin. Its extraordinary power of absorption makes it more effective than other clays for cleansing, detoxification, and general skin treatment. It can be used as soap, skin conditioner, shampoo, and facial and body mask. It washes like soap and leaves a unique, sweet scent on the skin. Facial Mask Instructions: Mix with equal parts apple cider vinegar (preferably raw) or water. It is best to use a glass, pottery, or wooden bowl. Stir the mixture until it is a smooth paste add more clay or liquid as needed. Apply a layer of clay to the face or other areas and let it dry. Drying times vary, but times are generally 5 minutes for delicate skin and 15-20 minutes for normal skin. You will feel a pulling and tightening sensation, deep pore cleansing. Remove clay by washing with warm water. A slight redness may appear after removing the clay. This is normal and will disappear in approximately 30 minutes. Normal-dry skin may use honey, yogurt, cream, milk, or vegetable glycerin instead of water, or can add pureed avocado, cucumber, or a few drops of a carrier oil (such as Jojoba oil) to the mixture. Oily skin may add Witch Hazel extract, apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice, to the clay mixture. Acne prone skin can add vinegar or lemon juice to the mixture, and 1-2 drops of Tea Tree or Lavender essential oil.


Moroccan Red Clay

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Product ingredients may have changed since safety screening in 2023-2024.

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Brand: Herb'N Eden
Product Category: Face Care
Product Type: Face Mask
Price Range: Under $10

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